10 Examples to Follow-Up Email After No Response
Business Writing Tips

10 Examples to Follow-Up Email After No Response

When trying to chase a customer who does not respond to your emails you need to be friendly and polite. You don’t have to be rude. You have to put yourself in the other person’s shoes and sometimes think, what if he’s super busy right now and I’m the last person that he wants to talk with?
Then how can I intrigue him? How can I get his attention? In this post, we will give you 10 examples to follow-up email after no response. Choose your approach carefully no matter whether it will be to a client or to a colleague.


Subject: Client Inquiry

Dear Team,

This is a kind reminder for ticket #1111 that has been open for several days. The client has been chasing me for me several times and expecting feedback as quickly as possible. Please inform me of any available updates.

We want to move forward and resolve their issue so your quick response will be highly appreciated!

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!



Subject: Escalation – response required

Dear Support team,

Please escalate internally ticket #11111. The customer hasn’t received a response for a week and this needs to be reviewed by our higher management.

Our aim is to achieve and maintain reliable performance. in order to prove it to the client, please take adequate measures as soon as possible.

Please notify me once you’ve any updates.

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,


Subject: Feedback required

Hi Willem,

I would like to follow up with you regarding our previous correspondence. Did you have a chance to get the required information that I requested in my previous email?

For your convenience, I’ve copied the previous email below:


Kind regards,


Subject: Follow up email – Quotes

Dear Lora,

I hope you are doing well!

Following up on the email I sent on May 5. Our quotes are still valid and I remain at your disposal if you would like to discuss the prices or you have any questions about the service/product.

We hope that you will find our service/product useful and valuable for your business. Therefore, we hope you will reach out to us shortly.

Wishing you a very good day.

Best regards,


Subject: Follow up my previous email

Hi Natan,

I wanted to follow up on the message that I sent over on Monday.

If you are willing I would like to set up a call to discuss any questions/concerns that you might have. Please advise which day you are free and I will call you back.

Once again thanks for the opportunity to work together and looking forward to hearing from you.



Subject: Issue escalated

Hello Chris,

I want to assure you that the request has been escalated with the supplier and is with high priority now.

I will immediately get back to you with an update as soon as I have further details available.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Kind regards,


Subject: Kind reminder

Dear Cheryl,

Just a kind reminder that I still haven’t received your response. The client is chasing me constantly and I hope that you will be able to help me solve their issue.

Thank you in advance!



Subject: Need confirmation

Dear Thomas,

I would like to remind you that I still need your confirmation of your request. We are not going to process it until we don’t receive a confirmation from you.

If there’s something that you are still considering or you have concerns about it, please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to discuss it with you.



Subject: Price increase reminder

Hi John,

I wrote to you several times by now to remind you of the price increase that you have received.

This email is to inform you that your new monthly charge has already been increased.

We recommend you contact us as soon as possible in order to return your standard charge.

If you have any questions about the charge, service, please let me know.

Best regards,


Subject: Sent offers – valid for 30 days

Dear Kevin,

This email is to inform you that our quotes are valid for a period of 30 days. After this period expires, we will need to prepare new offers that will take time and we cannot promise that they would be better. What I have sent to you is the best that we can present to you at this stage. We hope you will take advantage of it.

Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,

We hope that our 10 examples to follow-up email after no response have been useful to you and that you will apply them successfully in your correspondence.

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