How to send the new quotes

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I’ve attached a proposal for you to review. Please look it over and let me know your thoughts.

If one of the packages looks good, and you wish to move forward, the next step is to let me know which package you would like to proceed with. I’ll then get a contract together for you to review, and we’ll proceed from there.

Feel free to ask me any questions about the packages.

Please find attached a file with our new official quotes. Please consider the provided options and let me know which one would suit the best to your business requirements.

You can find below our new offers for your company. Please review them and provide feedback at earlier convenience.


Subject: New offers for a company (NAME)

Dear All,

On behalf of (YOUR COMPANY NAME), I want to thank you for being valued customers of (YOUR COMPANY NAME).

It is my goal to ensure that (YOUR COMPANY NAME) provides you with a consistent, high level of service.

I would like to discuss renewing your services with us (please see attached file for reference). It has come to my attention that the services are out of term and you are currently running on a month to month base.

I just wanted to let you know that if you renew your contract with us for 12,24 or 36-month terms, depending on your preference I will be in a position to guarantee you a very good discount.

I also want to learn more about how this service is performing, to ensure we are meeting your expectations, and to better understand what we can do to win more of your business.

I’m looking forward to our discussion, and I thank you again for your business!

Best regards,

how to send the new quotes
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