Writing an email with an attachment might not be a new thing for you. But have you done it the right way? Or, perhaps, you’ll want to check what you’ve missed. No matter what your reason is, this post is for you. In this post, we will show you sample emails for sending documents.
Sending emails with attachments can increase the quality of your work when you are communicating with others. Including attachments correctly is something that you’d like to expect so that the communication will be successful. Emails with attached files are an important means of communication. But in the professional world, this type of email requires more knowledge and etiquette.
When you are sending documents with your message, you will likely use the email attachment feature.
An email attachment is a file that you send as an addition to the email. Its purpose is to provide good value for the email, message, or information that you can’t show in the body of the email.
Here are some examples that can inspire you.
Sample Emails for Sending Documents
Subject: Documents submission
Dear Michael,
The documents you requested to be issued are ready and attached. I hope everything is filled in correctly and please let me know if there is anything missed.
I will expect feedback on what the next step in the whole process will be.

Subject: Presentation submission
Dear Thomas,
I apologize profoundly for the delay.
Here is our presentation about (PROVIDE DETAILS) and a text document explaining some of the points in more detail.
It is quite possible that this isn’t the finished version of the presentation. My colleagues and I are still discussing some sides of the product and trying to improve it.
Please accept our apologies for the late submission.
Best regards,
Subject: Project delayed submission
Dear John,
Concerning the set task from a few days ago, I would like to convey my sincerest apologies for not being able to submit my project on the 3rd of July. This was due to unexpected meetings that I had to attend.
However, I managed to finish the project today. Please find it attached. Take a look at it and please let me know if you have any questions about it.
I promise that I will attempt to avoid such delays in the future.
Should any questions arise regarding the presentation, please feel free to ping/ring me.
Subject: Report submission
Dear Madam,
With reference to the required sales funnel report for quarter 2, please find enclosed the following documents:
The report is for the period from 01.03.2019 to 31.03.2019.
As you are already aware, several changes have recently happened in the team, therefore the new report looks different and embraces the new changes.
I remain at your disposal if you require more details.
Yours faithfully,
Subject: Submit required documents
Dear Michael,
Hope you are doing well!
I understand that you needed the documents as soon as possible in order to complete the annual report. Therefore, I did my best to complete the task as quickly as possible. You can find the required documents attached. Please review them carefully and sign at your earliest convenience. I will expect you to send me back a signed copy.
Please let me know if there are any questions.
Best regards,
11 More Examples to Send Documents
The attached documents were sent to us from our office in Germany. Please fill them in, scan them and send us a copy to me and my colleague at CC.
For the last few days, I have had internal problems with our system. For this reason, I delayed the preparation of your contract. Fortunately, everything is already fixed, so I am sending you your contract for the renewal of your service with us. Please sign the document and send it to me by e-mail.
Again, we regret that we failed to meet the needs of your company. Attached I am sending you a termination letter. Please fill in your company details and the date you want us to terminate your contract. Thanks in advance.
Enclosed is the requested file. Please review it and let me know if I need to correct it.
As agreed, the service will be delivered to you on Tuesday morning. In this relation, could you please sign the attached document? By signing this document you confirm that you accept our terms and condition.
We wish to remind you that the attached invoice is still unpaid and we kindly ask you to give attention to this matter.
Despite three reminders sent to you this month, the amount of your invoice is still outstanding and is now two months overdue. As we didn’t receive any feedback from you we had to involve the legal department. In this relation, we are sending you an attached debt collection letter.
Please let us know within 2 weeks if the attached file with terms and conditions is acceptable.
Enclosed are two copies of the contract.
Would you please sign both enclosed copies and return one to me?
You can find attached the contract. If you have any further queries regarding the conditions of the contract please do not hesitate to contact me.
Tips for Writing Emails While Sending Documents
The attachment can be anything from documents, pictures, videos, audio files, etc.
These professional documents are often classified so that you only share them in particular emails.
However, as with any other professional communication, you must follow the rules. When it comes to sending documents, it is crucial to mention the document in the email’s body. The same thing goes for formal and informational situations.
In most email services, the recipients are able to see that the emails have an attachment when there’s an extra icon next to the subject line. But it does not guarantee that the recipient will open the email. They have to know what it is about so that they can open it.
Consider these tips and you should be cool.
1. What files are you willing to send?
Before writing an email with the documents, you must know what files you want to send. The documents can be in any format, like PDF, DOC, DOCX, EPUB, and others. You will inform your recipient of this file. That’s why you need to know it first before proceeding. You could mention the files in the body of the email to let your recipient know what they expect to see.
2. The subject line
The next step is to create the right subject line. Some recipients might ignore emails with attachments unless they know what they are about. That’s why you will need to write the right subject line. Something fishy is a real deterrent for your readers.
3. Write the email body
Sometimes, the main reason you send your recipient an email is that you want to send them the files. Therefore, you can simply write a brief description in the email body. But if the documents are the only part of the email, make sure you mention it somewhere in the body of the email.
All in all, it is recommended to give a description, although you only need to send documents to them.
4. Don’t forget to attach the right files
It is one of the most common mistakes that people make. After they composed their email, they forgot to attach the documents. You could do this after writing. That’s up to you. But to be safe, you could attach the documents before even writing the email. Some files might be large in size. It would take some time to upload. So, by the time you finish writing your email, the files are ready.
In case someone else has forgotten to attach the documents you can chase him with these sample emails.
For more tips on how to ask someone to sign documents, you can check this article.
In case you need to send a contract for signature you can find sample emails here.
You can choose one of the above-listed sample emails for sending documents and include it in your business email. And don’t forget to attach your files /documents.