The old saying, ”Hope you feel better” is a cliche but the phrase is still used today. This expression is used when someone is feeling sick and you want to wish him to feel better soon. The phrase is also said as a sign of support or empathy. In this article, we list down 10 ways to say hope you feel better.
When to Say Hope You Feel Better?
1) Verbal Communication – The best way to express your encouragement, support, and sympathy for something bad that has happened to someone is to encourage them by saying, “I hope you feel better.” For example, you could say this to your loved ones, neighbors, family members, or a colleague.
2) Emails – Sometimes, it’s difficult to know how to write a sincere and compassionate email, but this sentiment can be conveyed easily with this simple phrase – Hope you feel better!
You should add the phrase at the top of your email, right after the greeting:
Hi Jessica,
Hope you feel better!
Just to tell you that your colleagues are always ready to help you. Just let us know.
We’re thinking and praying for you!
Best wishes,
10 Ways to Say Hope You Feel Better
1. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
2. I hope you are feeling better soon.
3. I hope you get well soon.
4. Take care and hope to see you back soon.
5. Hope this email brightens your day and that you feel better soon.
6. Take care, and stay well.
7. Get well soon!
8. I hope that you are doing well and feeling better soon.
9. I hope you are doing well and that you’re recovering quickly.
10. I hope you get back to your amazing self soon.
10 Expressions to Say Hope You Feel Better
1. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
You can say it when you want to wish someone to recover from your illness soon. It’s one of the most used phrases when you want to wish your family, friends, or colleagues to get well as soon as possible.
Hi Sam, I wanted to reach out to wish you a speedy recovery and let you know that we’re all in this with you. Stay strong!
2. I hope you are feeling better soon.
It is another way of saying the above phrase. The intent of the message is often as a form of support or sympathy when people are going through difficult times. The person might be struggling with physical or mental illness, loss, etc.
I hope you are feeling better soon. I wanted to let you know that your health is important to us and we hope you take care of yourself!
3. I hope you get well soon.
Or as you can see below you can just say ”Get well soon”. It’s more casual than the sentence ”I hope you get well soon”.
I hope you get well soon, there’s no need to worry about your health as everything is going to be alright. We miss you!
4. Take care and hope to see you back soon.
This is an expression we sometimes say when we really care about the other person and want them to come back soon because this is their home.
Take care of yourself, and if you ever want someone to talk through anything, call me anytime! Hope to see you back soon!
5. Hope this email brightens your day and that you feel better soon.
This is a great way to start your email. We’re sure the other person will smile. Who knows, maybe they’ll feel better afterward.
You can find more ways to express your care for speedy recovery in your business emails here.

6. Take care, and stay well.
It’s a popular phrase in the English language, which suggests that the person should be careful. There are many possible interpretations of this phrase.
I was pleased to hear there is a medicine that can help your condition! Take care, and stay well.
7. Get well soon!
Another great phrase to use with closer friends and colleagues. It’s a casual way to show your support.
I can’t imagine what it’s like going through all that pain and just being apart from the ones you love the most. Get well soon!
8. I hope that you are doing well and feeling better soon.
It is a way to show that you care about the person to who you are speaking. It also shows that you have made an effort to know more about their condition.

9. I hope you are doing well and that you’re recovering quickly.
Another great way to express your feelings. It can be used in casual conversation or you can say it to your boss.
I hope you are doing well and that you’re recovering quickly. I wanted to take a few minutes to wish you the best and let me know if there’s anything I can do to help. Get well soon!
10. I hope you get back to your amazing self soon.
”I hope you get back to your amazing self soon” is usually used as a comforting phrase that could help the person who is feeling down and out. You will raise his spirits.
Hey Peter, I understood that you are not feeling very well. Please call me if there’s anything I can do to help ensure your health! I hope you get back to your amazing self soon.
More Wishes to Say Someone to Get Better Soon
1. I hope that whatever you are struggling with you will get well soon.
2. Hope you get back on your feet and start to build your strength back up again.
3. I hope that your recovery will go smoothly and you will be able to return to your daily routine.
4. It’s been tough around here without you. We certainly need you back on your feet soon!
5. I hope this email finds you feeling rested and ready for new adventures.
6. I just wanted to remind you that you need to rest so that your body can recover and heal as soon as possible.
7. I just want to let you know that this is a time for recovery, not for work. So don’t worry about anything right now, take this time and focus on yourself. You deserve it!
8. I’m sorry for the situation you are in, and you should know that this period should be entirely devoted to your recovery. Sending you lots of hugs!
9. I’m so sorry to hear you’re feeling anxious and down. I’m here for you if you ever want to talk.
10. Get well soon! Can’t wait to see you smiling again!
10 Other Great Ways to Express Concern
1. I’m so sorry that you’re going through this difficult time. Everything should be focused on getting well again, so keep that in mind during this tough period, and let us know if there’s anything else we can do to help.
2. Fingers crossed that you get well as soon as possible and that we see each other again.
3. I send you lots of positive energy and wish you a speedy recovery.
4. Don’t worry about anything, the most important thing now is to get well and get back on your feet.
5. I just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and I look forward to you getting better as soon as possible.
6. I want you to know that you are not alone and you can count on me. Just tell me how I can help you.
7. I’m sorry to hear that you’ve fallen ill. I hope you get better quickly and we can spend time together.
8. I send you my best wishes for a speedy recovery. I will be available if you need me.
9. You’re the strongest person I know, you’ll get through this too. I look forward to seeing you again soon with a smile on your face.
10. I wish that by the time you get this message you will be fully recovered.
Frequently Asked Questions Using the Phrase “Hope you feel better”
How to Respond to Hope You Feel Better?
The first and most important thing is to thank the person for asking you how you feel. Then you can answer with a few words. And finally, you can kindly say that you can’t wait to see them again. Here are some examples:
1) Thank you for asking! I feel much better now. It’s always nice to know that someone cares about you.
2) I hope you will soon get back on your feet. Thank you for being so concerned about me.
3) It means a lot to me that you would care enough to ask. I’m feeling much better now. I hope that we’ll meet up soon so we can catch up on all things!
What Questions Can You Ask the Sick Person to Show Concern?
When a person is sick, it can be difficult to know how to help them. What kind of questions should you ask them? What do they want to talk about? Here are six questions you can ask a sick person:
“How are you feeling?”
“Let me know what I can do.”
“Can we talk on the phone later?”
“Is there anything I can bring you today?”
“Can I help out around the house?”
“Can I help you with office work?”
Is It Correct to Say “Feel Better”?
‘Feel Better’ is less formal. It’s not widely used and there are better options to express your concern. Like the examples provided above.
“Hope you feel better” will never go out of our daily communication. Whether it’s casual or formal communication it will continue to be used every day. So if you know someone who is not feeling well right now, pick up your phone and wish them a speedy recovery or some of the above expressions.