NATO Phonetic Alphabet with Best Sample Scripts
Business Writing Tips

NATO Phonetic Alphabet with Best Sample Scripts

for Alpha

B for Bravo

C for Charlie

D for Delta

Support: TravelAbroad. How may I help you today?
Client: I would like to buy tickets to Daleville.
Support: Did you say Daleville or Clarksville?
Client: Daleville with D as Delta.

E for Echo

F for Foxtrot

Director: Could you please scan and send these documents via email to our CFO.
Assistant: Did you say CEO?
Director: No, I mean C as Charlie, F as Foxtrot, and O as Oscar, the CFO of the company.

G for Golf

H for Hotel

I for India

J for Juliet

Support: Good Afternoon! Alice is speaking. How may I help you?
Client: Good Afternoon! My name is John and I’m calling from (COMPANY NAME).
Support: I didn’t hear you very well. Could you please repeat your name?
Client: Sure. It’s J as Juliet, O as Oscar, H as Hotel, N as November.

K for Kilo

L for Lima

M for Mike

N for November

Client: I have a flight to Chicago next Monday morning and I would like to ask what is the flight number?
Support: Your flight number is BNA356, Mr. Williams.
Client: Let me repeat. The number is B as Bravo, N as November, A as Alpha, 3-5-6.
Support: Yes, this is correct!

O for Oscar

P for Papa

Q for Quebec

R for Romeo

Support: Sunny Sands hotel. How may I help you?
Client: Hello. I would like to make a reservation in your hotel for next weekend.
Support: All right. May I have your name, Sir?
Client: Sure. It’s Connor.
Support: How do you spell your name?
Client: C as Charlie, O as Oscar, double N as November, O as Oscar, and R as Romeo.

S for Sierra

T for Tango

U for Uniform

V for Victor

Presenter: Good Morning, everyone. Today’s session was supposed to be in meeting room N24 but as it still occupied, we will need to move to meeting room V64, V as Victor.

W for Whiskey

X for X-ray

Y for Yankee

Z for Zulu

Receptionist: Go straight on till you see the lobby then turn left. Continue going straight and at the corner, you will see the office of our Country Leader. The room’s number is Z as Zulu 4-5.

You are free to use the above sample scripts when you need to spell words/letters using NATO Phonetic Alphabet!

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