It is advisable to inform your colleagues when you know you will be absent from work because you will be on maternity leave for the next few weeks. The first thing is to tell them the date from which you will be on maternity leave, the other important thing is to inform them to whom they can address any queries that should have been addressed to you before. Below you can find some examples:
Dear colleagues, I’m happy to announce that I’ll be on maternity leave from the beginning of November. I’ll be away for a few months and will update you on my return date as soon as I’m aware. I want to wish you all a wonderful summer and hope to see you all again.
Dear colleagues, I’m writing this email to inform you that I’ll be on maternity leave from 15.04. I’m grateful to all my team for taking over my ongoing tasks and I’ll be very happy to see you all again when I return.
My dear colleagues, I’m happy to announce that I’ll be on maternity leave starting this Monday. If you have any queries please address them in the next few days when I’ll still be available. Once I’m out on maternity leave, you will be able to send your queries to my colleague (NAME). I hope my pregnancy runs smoothly and when we meet again in a few months to welcome you as a mother.
Dear colleagues, As most of you, may know as of today I’ll be on maternity leave. I want you to know that I’ll miss you all and I hope the team will stay the same and with this positive energy.
Dear colleagues, I wanted to officially announce that I’m going on maternity leave starting this Monday. I’ll be away for an indefinite period of time and wanted you to know that you can contact my team for any queries – (EMAIL). I wish your work goes smoothly and without escalations. See you again soon!