What are the main responsibilities of the HR Manager?

What are the main responsibilities of the HR Manager?

HR is one of the most crucial departments in an organization. Many people have known or heard about HR before but only a few know the exact roles and responsibilities.

When we talk about HR – Human Resources, it can be about the department or the professional in charge of the department. Let’s define each of them first before indulging in their responsibilities.

HR Department in a nutshell

HR is the abbreviation of Human Resources. It is a department that is responsible for managing the employees’ status in the company. The main duties include recruiting, onboarding, hiring, training, and firing the employees. The group of HR staff is also responsible for administering the employees’ rights and benefits. The main role of the HR Department here is to support the employees as well as the company through it.

Although the job descriptions of the HR department might be different from one company to another, their responsibilities can be pretty much the same.

So, here are the main responsibilities of the HR manager and their staff in the same department.


The candidate’s recruitment is one of the responsibilities of the HR department. It is important to understand what the company or organizations really need so that the HR manager will be able to recruit the right people to fill the positions.

As a manager, one will need to analyze the market, survey the audiences, consult with the higher-ups, as well as manage the budgets. It is also important to find the right pools of talents to convert into the candidates.

Recruiting is a huge project. It is a costly experience in the company which can affect the entire organization’s operation. Recruiting the wrong people can jeopardize the premises.

In this case, the manager will need to take important considerations into consideration so that they won’t choose the wrong person for the job.


Besides recruitment, Human resources are also responsible for managing the employees. Hiring is not a simple thing. It involves the scheduling, arrangement of interviews, as well as assessment of the interviewees. In the final faucet, the HR manager will make an effort to arrange the onboarding of new employees to the company.

Hiring requires tough paperwork. It is important to make sure all of the requirements are fulfilled so that there will be no problem later with the new employees who are working with the organizations.

Payroll management

It might be surprising but it is included in the main responsibilities list of the HR department. Managing the payroll for the employees requires a meticulous and accurate endeavor because it has things to do with taxation as well.

When there are expenses, it is HR’s job to reimburse them. They will also execute the bonuses and raises for the employees.

The HR will also need to deduct every pay period so that the taxes will be accurate.

Handle the employees

It is one of the most demanding responsibilities of the HR department. When the employees make some mistakes, it is the human resources’ job to put them into disciplinary action.

This action can also risk firing valuable employees. However, the disciplinary action does not always come out with bad results although it might procure a poor rep for the HR department.

Let’s take a simple example. Mr. A is late too often lately. HR has noticed several warnings to Mr.A. Then this department will deploy staff to investigate the case and find the roots of the problem.

The decisions will be later executed after the HR staff has collected enough data from the particular employee.

The act does not have to be firing or replacing the particular employee. The disciplinary action is often better because it gives the chance for employees to reflect on their mistakes.

Updating the policies

HR sticks to the policy modifications and updates. They are responsible to see and re-check the policies to make sure that those are still relevant to the current organizations’ timelines.

Just like many other businesses in different industries, one company can change from year to year. Their directions can change, so do their policies. In such decisions, HR holds an important role because this department will suggest, deploy, announce, and nurture. HR can be the bridge between different departments in a particular company.

Manage the company records

The records are obliged by the law in every country. The records are very important to manage the skill differences and requirements. The records are updated from time to time.

It is where the recruiters can use the data to analyze the hiring process and results. The records also store the personal information and contacts of the employees for good reasons.

The Benefits for the employees

It is indeed one of the most daunting responsibilities of the HR manager. A good manager should think carefully about the employee’s benefits. It is also the reason why people want to join the company.

In fact, some people even join a company because of the benefits although it comes with a lower payroll.

It is possible for HR to scout on competitors to see if they have dominant benefits. For instance, your company could include health insurance in the list of benefits. As we know, health is the top priority of every employee.

Advising career path

Every employee yearns for career growth, no matter where in the department they are working. So, the last thing the company owner wants is stagnation.

The company on every scale will keep the best employees by providing a good career path for them. HR can brainstorm these ideas and influence the employees with the demonstration of the future career with the company.

In the process, it is also highly possible that the particular employees are getting the additional training to support their career growth.

The HR can be their consultants and help them to find the courses and training programs that they can participate in to hone their skills.

This process can also work for the managers in every department. Most of the managers are created within the company.

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